Monday, October 28, 2013


We hear "go green" slogan most of the time.  But, do we know what it actually means?  İt is a wide concept that can be said much about it.  But, basically going green helps you to save more by giving less damage to the environment, which is good to live in a more sustainable community and good for future.  So, how can we "go green"?  Here are some simple tips that can be used in our lives.

*Recycling is really important.  İt decreases the waste and helps the product cycle.
*İnstalling compact fluorescent light bulbs.
*Unplugging appliances when they are not used.
*Preferring organic food also for your health.
*Using long-lasting products.
*Using alternative energy resources.
*Conducting an energy audit would be useful.
*Using smart dishwashers.

Do not forget, small steps could make a big difference!

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